Distinguish between Tags, folders and hierarchy (and simple "supports tags" feature)

11 votes

There is currently no way to search for apps that support tags. My suggestion for splitting these features:

- Tags - app offers a way to tag notes, that is a note can be tagged with an unlimited number of tags (which would render "Can apply multiple hierarchies to one note" obsolete")
- Folders - app offers a way to organize notes into folders (or notebooks), that is a note can only be part of one folder/notebook at a time
- Wiki-like hierarchy - app structures notes as children of other notes, that is the hierarchy nodes are not meta-objects, but rather notes themselves
- Then I suggest the "Note Organization Hierarchy" have subfeatures such as "=> nested tags", "subfolders/subnotebooks", "nested wiki pages" and the already useful "Allows 3+ levels deep hierarchy", "Hierarchy can be moved", etc
- We can move the "Inline tags" as a subfeature of tags

I think this way of organizing features is more helpful for people delimiting the set of apps they are compatible with.

Done Suggested by: Lucian Upvoted: 21 Mar Comments: 8

Comments: 8